Monday 7 August 2017

Free Energy with 1.5v battery

Among the most of fake free energy circuits, I found and tested this circuit as a good one. Why is this called as free energy?

Because its generates more power than input voltage. This power is more enough to light 1W LED as well. 

You can see my future projects that to invert 1.5v to 230v
as well. This project is more helpful to make night lamp or emergency lamp as
well. In my experience, this battery can be used long time and, if you use a
rechargeable battery, you can use it forever.

Watch now!

You are required following parts

01. 2N2222 Transistor or Equivalent

02. 1k Resister (1/4W)

03. Round ferrite rod .(From CFL bulb)

04. 30 SWG copper coil,

First we have to prepare the ferrite rod. You can take one from CFL


Now you have to make two coils . 1st one is 10 rounds and tap the coil and more 10 rounds from 30 SWG coil. Remove the protection coat cover of three ends.

circuit diagram as follows

Transistor pin out

You can connect even 2 LEDs as shown in below. But you need only 1.5v power.

Completed circuit

Green Wire    - LED(+)

Yellow Wire       - LED (-) and battery (-) 

White Wire         - Power +1.5v

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