Thursday 30 January 2020

How to build Arduino projects on a Vero board

It is no doubt that you already know arduino is an open
source platform as well as you can make the project using the Arduino Board.
Considering the cost and the practicality, it is not suitable to use Arduino
board directly. Instead of the arduino board, the projects with ATMEGA chip
(ATMEGA 328) can be built on a vero board as well.

If you make this unit separately, you can build you projects
with a low cost. However, do not forget to use IC sockets to connect the chip
and also before giving the power you must check the wiring again and again as,
it mat harmful to the chip if there are wire shorts or miss wiring.

Today, in this 1st lesson, I will give you that
circuit to make such projects.

These are the parts


28pin Ic sockets (if you cannot find this you can use two sockets with 14 pins)

22pf ceramic capacitors (2 Nos)

10k Resisters (1 No)

16 Mhz Crystals (1 No)

LED (optional)

220Ohm Resister (Optional)


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  1. Where is the lesson..?
    Wanted to learn more.
